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The Possession-based Soccer Development Framework
I saw known patterns in that video. 2 of which were:
Passes to the open wingers, find the forward, Layoff pass into the box for goal #1
Long pass to wing player, dribble into space and cross the ball into the box for an awaiting teammate for goal #2
IMO, Creative players/teams don’t make up new things on the fly during a game at game speed. What the creative players/teams do is to learn patterns that work, then as necessary, recognize and switch from one known pattern to the next instantly or to exit a pattern temporarily (or create a detour) with a small mini-pattern (perhaps a 1-2) and to get back into the overall larger pattern. The key is to have these things happen automatically, without thinking (game speed). This comes from years of experience at practicing, recognizing and executing known patterns.
Given any adversarial situation, an experienced player will always use a trusted pattern simply because, from experience, IT WORKS!
In the game Chess, I’ve heard that 90% of the moves of experienced players are based on pattern recognition and very little actual creativity is involved. They are just reacting to what they have seen thousands of times. The loser is the one who stops recognizing patterns and starts to “get creative”.